Happy Birthday Creaticles

The Official Creaticles Team
3 min readMar 21, 2022

Creaticles is turning 1 year old in April! In that time, the Creaticles team has grown to 15 members strong, who are all striving to make our platform a home for talented and hardworking artists. Here are some highlights and wins that we’ve accomplished as a community in that time —


Team Growth

In December of 2021, the Creaticles community blew us away with support for our Sushi IDO by completely maxing our hard cap. We’ve since used these funds to expand our team, adding on talent from the likes of Google and Wachsman to build out our Marketing, PR, Business Development, Social Media, and Dev teams. We have also started establishing ourselves on the media front while building out relationships with KOLs and influencers in the crypto space.

Supporting Artists

In less than 5 months since Creaticles launched on our main net, artists have earned over $45,000 USD in prizes, allowing them to upgrade equipment and be rewarded for their hard work and passion for art.

Image 1: Creaticles artist buys an iPad with contest winnings.

Expanding our Advisory Board

On top of our ever-expanding team of core contributors, we were ecstatic to announce an expansion of our advisory board including Jeff “The Jiho” Zirlin, co-founder of Axie Infinity, as well as Sebastien Borget, co-founder of The Sandbox. These brilliant individuals will be helping shape the future of Creaticles and provide guidance as we continue to develop our platform.

Next Steps

We first launched Creaticles as a way for aspiring NFT artists to have a safe space to cultivate their talent while earning money to support their endeavors — we have stayed true to our mission (and will continue to do so!) as we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to be rewarded for hard work and talent.

Artist Verification and Reputation System

We should be up-to-date with artist verification submissions (with over 500+ verified artists!), if you have not heard back from yours, feel free to send an email to “hello@creaticles.com” with the subject “Artist Verification” and we will get back to you shortly. We are currently building out our first iteration of a reputation system that will reward all artists for submitting to contests via our mining pool token allocation, and will have some rewards for those who were early verified on Creaticles!

Multichain Expansion

We will be making an announcement regarding our multichain expansion — currently finalizing testing and reaching out to KOLs and projects in the space to make a big splash once we launch! Announcements are coming soon, so keep up with news by joining our Twitter, Telegram, Instagram, and Discord channels!

Thanks again to our incredible community for your consistent support as we build towards the future of Creaticles together!

Always yours,

The Creaticles Team


Website | Instagram | Discord | Twitter | Telegram

Contact Us: hello@creaticles.com

